Due Diligence
To be done for ALL aid recipients — aid cannot and should not be delivered until stage 1 and 2 are completed. Once done please mark in D1 and D2 spreadsheet and highlight the row in GREEN.
Verification benchmark
Band 1 – 0 to 5k of aid / 2 people running the organisation + 2 aid receivers, 1 external person.
Band 2 – 5 to 20k of aid / 3 people running the organisation + 3 aid receivers, 1 external person.
Band 3 – 20 to 50k of aid / 4 people running the organisation +4 aid receivers, 2 external people.
Band 4 – 50k+ / 5 people running the organisation + 5 aid receivers, 3 external people.
Official NGOs will always be in Band 1
If one organisation is verified in the past but moves up bands further verification will need to be done.
All documented in the drive (screenshot of chats, emails, recording of calls and video calls).
Stage 1 / ABOUT (can be done by case lead, translators, and researchers)
Official site or another link (Facebook page, government page)
How were they referred to us? Which trusted contact did it come through (name and description)?
Main contact (name and number)
Describe what you see in an initial video call (ideally video)
List of needs + assign them a band number
Stage 2 / REFERENCING (confirming info from the ABOUT section)
Asking the names of X colleagues they work with + calling them to check (video preferred)
Asking the names of X recipients of the aid (ie if it's a women's shelter, 5 women who would actually be receiving the aid) and calling them to check (video preferred)
If there is anything more than legitimises them (official partnerships etc) please add to the notes
Look for someone local that can independently verify that they are doing what they saying
Save these calls and checks in the Google folder
Stage 3 / REPORT for ALL CASES
Once the case is completed further video, call, and photo proof that the aid was deployed and received
Back to point 2 of stage 2 – call these people again and ask and show proof
Save proof in the Google folder OR send it in an email to hello@sunflowerrelief.org with the relevant case number